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Typical college readiness programs work to support historically underrepresented students, helping them navigate a complex system through rigorous academic preparation. However, the current college entrance and completion rates for first-generation low-income students of color are dismal despite heavy investment in college readiness programs. These results shed light on the need for new approaches in examining and conducting these programs. This qualitative study examines a critical inquiry program with aspects of college access and college readiness components, which was borne out of a community need in Philadelphia. This dissertation sheds light on what happens when practitioners work to create space for the perspectives and identities of our students of color through critical literacy.
Informed by Indigenous and participatory methodologies, this practitioner research study examines what happens when high school students work alongside one another during the COVID-19 pandemic to navigate the complexity of the college admissions process while also being afforded space to explore and demystify issues pertaining to identity, race, power, and equity. This qualitative research helps provide insight from a sociocultural literacy perspective on how a college access inquiry grounded in criticality can help students more confidently navigate this power-laden and bureaucratic process and create space for youth-led inquiries around issues of equity.
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