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Provides concrete examples of homework mentorship and positive academic interventions among immigrant families. Brokering Tareas examines a grassroots literacy mentoring program that connected immigrant parents with English language mentors who helped emerging bilingual children with homework and encouraged positive academic attitudes. Steven Alvarez gives an ethnographic account of literacies practices, language brokering, advocacy, community-building, and mentorship among Mexican-origin families at a neighborhood afterschool program in New York City. Alvarez argues that engaging literacy mentorship across languages can increase parental involvement and community engagement among immigrant families, and he offers teachers and researchers possibilities for rethinking their own practices with the communities of their bilingual students.
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In this innovative and engaging text, Vivian Maria Vasquez draws on her own classroom experience to demonstrate how issues raised from everyday conversations with pre-kindergarten children can be used to create an integrated critical literacy curriculum over the course of one school year. The strategies presented are solidly grounded in relevant theory and research. The author describes how she and her students negotiated a critical literacy curriculum; shows how they dealt with particular social and cultural issues and themes; and shares the insights she gained as she attempted to understand what it means to frame ones teaching from a critical literacy perspective. New in the 10th Anniversary Edition New section: "Getting Beyond Prescriptive Curricula, the Mandated Curriculum, and Core Standards" New feature: "Critical Reflections and Pedagogical Suggestions" at the end of the demonstration chaptesr New Appendices: "Resources for Negotiating Critical Literacies" and "Alternate Possibilities for Conducting an Audit Trail" Companion Website: narratives of ways in which the audit trail has been used as a tool for teaching and learning; resources on critical literacy including links to other websites and blogs; podcast focused on critical literacy and young children
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