Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide a forum within AERA for the involvement of individuals drawn together by a common interest in a field of study, teaching, or research when the existing divisional structure may not directly facilitate such activity. The Association provides SIGs program time at the Annual Meeting, publicity, scheduling, staff support, viability, and the prestige of AERA affiliation.
We are pleased to offer five webinars intended to familiarize you with the concept of a Networked Improvement Community, and each of the four important components and elements of a successful NIC. An introductory 30-minute webinar will feature one or two experts from out team providing key background information about the focal challenges of building a NIC. A facilitated discussion forum will continue for two weeks after the video is posted to this site. At the end of the two weeks, another live webinar with the same expert will be featured. This follow-up webinar will focus on the topics that have arisen through the online forum, as well as questions that are asked live during the webinar.
Peurach, D. J., & Russell, J. L. (2019). The Scholarship of Improvement: Building Community Around an Emerging Tradition of Practice-Focused Research. AERA Annual Meeting. http://tinyurl.com/y7hm68ar
Penuel, W. R., Riedy, R., Barber, M. S., Peurach, D. J., LeBouef, W. A., & Clark, T. (2020). Principles of Collaborative Education Research With Stakeholders: Toward Requirements for a New Research and Development Infrastructure. Review of Educational Research, 90(5), 627–674. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654320938126
Arce-Trigatti, P., Chukhray, I., & López Turley, R. N. (2018). Research–Practice Partnerships in Education. In B. Schneider (Ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century (pp. 561–579). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76694-2_25
Bakah, M. B. A., Nihuka, K. A., & Anto, A. G. (2019). Fostering the Sustainability of Curriculum Innovations Through Curriculum Design. In J. Pieters, J. Voogt, & N. Pareja Roblin (Eds.), Collaborative Curriculum Design for Sustainable Innovation and Teacher Learning. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20062-6
Barron, B. J. S., Schwartz, D. L., Vye, N. J., Moore, A., Petrosino, A., Zech, L., & Bransford, J. D. (1998). Doing With Understanding: Lessons From Research on Problem- and Project-Based Learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7(3–4), 271–311. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508406.1998.9672056
Booth, J. L., Cooper, L. A., Donovan, M. S., Huyghe, A., Koedinger, K. R., & Paré-Blagoev, E. J. (2015). Design-Based Research Within the Constraints of Practice: AlgebraByExample. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 20(1–2), 79–100. https://doi.org/10.1080/10824669.2014.986674
Bridwell-Mitchell, E. N., & Sherer, D. G. (2017). Institutional Complexity and Policy Implementation: How Underlying Logics Drive Teacher Interpretations of Reform. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39(2), 223–247. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373716677567
Bryk, A. S. (2015). 2014 AERA Distinguished Lecture: Accelerating How We Learn to Improve. Educational Researcher, 44(9), 467–477. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X15621543
Buxton, C. A., Allexsaht-Snider, M., Kayumova, S., Aghasaleh, R., Choi, Y.-J., & Cohen, A. (2015). Teacher Agency and Professional Learning: Rethinking Fidelity of Implementation as Multiplicities of Enactment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(4), 489–502. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21223
Debarger, A. H., Choppin, J., Beauvineau, Y., & Moorthy, S. (2013). Designing for Productive Adaptations of Curriculum Interventions. Teachers College Record, 115(14), 298–319. https://doi.org/10.1177/016146811311501407
Donovan, M. S., Wigdor, A. K., & Snow, C. E. (Eds.). (2003). Strategic Education Research Partnership (p. 10670). National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/10670
Downing-Wilson, D., Lecusay, R., & Cole, M. (2011). Design Experimentation and Mutual Appropriation: Two Strategies for University/Community Collaborative After-School Interventions. Theory & Psychology, 21(5), 656–680. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354311414456
Dunn, D. C., Chisholm, A., Spaulding, E., & Love, B. L. (2021). A Radical Doctrine: Abolitionist Education in Hard Times. Educational Studies, 57(3), 211–223. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2021.1892684
Dynarski, M. (2008). Bringing Answers to Educators: Guiding Principles for Research Syntheses. Educational Researcher, 37(1), 27–29. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X08315011
Farrell, C. C., & Coburn, C. E. (2017). Absorptive Capacity: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding District Central Office Learning. Journal of Educational Change, 18(2), 135–159. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-016-9291-7
Farrell, C. C., Harrison, C., & Coburn, C. E. (2019). “What the Hell Is This, and Who the Hell Are You?” Role and Identity Negotiation in Research-Practice Partnerships. AERA Open, 5(2), 2332858419849595. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419849595
Fischer, G. (2009). End-User Development and Meta-design: Foundations for Cultures of Participation. In V. Pipek, M. B. Rosson, B. de Ruyter, & V. Wulf (Eds.), End-User Development (pp. 3–14). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00427-8_1
Greenhalgh, T., Robert, G., Macfarlane, F., Bate, P., & Kyriakidou, O. (2004). Diffusion of Innovations in Service Organizations: Systematic Review and Recommendations. The Milbank Quarterly, 82(4), 581–629. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00325.x
Gutiérrez, K. D., Jurow, A. S., & Vakil, S. (2020). Social Design-Based Experiments: A Utopian Methodology for Understanding New Possibilities for Learning. In Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning. Routledge.
Hall, J. L., Campbell, T., & Lundgren, L. (2021). Re-designing Infrastructure as a Strategy for Crafting Coherence Across Three Networks Focused on the Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 58(7), 956–979. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21688
Ishimaru, A. M., Rajendran, A., Nolan, C. M., & Bang, M. (2018). Community Design Circles: Co-designing Justice and Wellbeing in Family-Community-Research Partnerships. Journal of Family Diversity in Education, 3(2), 38–63. https://doi.org/10.53956/jfde.2018.133
Kincheloe, J. L., & McLaren, P. (2011). Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research. In K. Hayes, S. R. Steinberg, & K. Tobin (Eds.), Key Works in Critical Pedagogy (pp. 285–326). SensePublishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6091-397-6_23
Lagemann, E. C. (1997). Contested Terrain: A History of Education Research in the United States, 1890–1990. Educational Researcher, 26(9), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X026009005
Laferrière, T., & Gervais, F. (2008). Communities of Practice Across Institutions. In C. Kimble, P. Hildreth, & I. Bourdon (Eds.), Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators (pp. 179–198). Information Age Publishing.
LeMahieu, P. G. (2011, October 11). What We Need in Education is More Integrity (and Less Fidelity) of Implementation. Carnegie Commons Blog. https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/blog/what-we-need-in-education-is-more-integrity-and-less-fidelity-of-implementation/
Moeller, E., Seeskin, A., & Nagaoka, J. (2018). Practice-Driven Data: Lessons from Chicago’s Approach to Research, Data, and Practice in Education. UChicago Consortium on School Research.
Moses, M. S., & Chang, M. J. (2006). Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Diversity Rationale. Educational Researcher, 35(1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X035001006
O’Donnell, C. L. (2008). Defining, Conceptualizing, and Measuring Fidelity of Implementation and Its Relationship to Outcomes in K–12 Curriculum Intervention Research. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 33–84. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654307313793
Penuel, W. R., Shaw, S., Bell, P., Hopkins, M., Neill, T., & Farrell, C. C. (2018). Building a Networked Improvement Community to Promote Equitable, Coherent Systems of Science Education: How a State-Level Team Can Support District-Level Change Efforts. AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, 15(1), 30–38.
Penuel, W. R., Phillips, R. S., & Harris, C. J. (2014). Analysing teachers’ curriculum implementation from integrity and actor-oriented perspectives. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(6), 751–777. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2014.921841
Penuel, W. R., Phillips, R. S., & Harris, C. J. (2014). Analysing Teachers’ Curriculum Implementation From Integrity and Actor-Oriented Perspectives. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(6), 751–777. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2014.921841
Penuel, W. R., Roschelle, J., & Shechtman, N. (2007). Designing Formative Assessment Software With Teachers: An Analysis of the Co-design Process. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 02(01), 51–74. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793206807000300
Politics of Learning Writing Collective. (2017). The Learning Sciences in a New Era of U.S. Nationalism. Cognition and Instruction, 35(2), 91–102. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370008.2017.1282486
Russell, J. L., Bryk, A. S., Dolle, J. R., Gomez, L. M., LeMahieu, P. G., & Grunow, A. (2019, April). The Social Organization of Networked Improvement Communities. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Ryoo, J. J., Choi, M., & McLeod, E. (2015). Building Equity in Research-Practice Partnerships. http://researchandpractice.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/BuildingEquity_Oct2015.pdf
Stanton-Salazar, R. D., & Dornbusch, S. M. (1995). Social Capital and the Reproduction of Inequality: Information Networks among Mexican-Origin High School Students. Sociology of Education, 68(2), 116–135. https://doi.org/10.2307/2112778
Star, S. L., & Ruhleder, K. (1996). Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design and Access for Large Information Spaces. Information Systems Research, 7(1), 111–134. https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.7.1.111
Stosich, E. L., Bocala, C., & Forman, M. (2018). Building Coherence for Instructional Improvement Through Professional Development: A Design-Based Implementation Research Study. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(5), 864–880. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143217711193
Tseng, V., Easton, J. Q., & Supplee, L. H. (2017). Research-Practice Partnerships: Building Two-Way Streets of Engagement. Social Policy Report, 30(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2379-3988.2017.tb00089.x