Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide a forum within AERA for the involvement of individuals drawn together by a common interest in a field of study, teaching, or research when the existing divisional structure may not directly facilitate such activity. The Association provides SIGs program time at the Annual Meeting, publicity, scheduling, staff support, viability, and the prestige of AERA affiliation.
We are pleased to offer five webinars intended to familiarize you with the concept of a Networked Improvement Community, and each of the four important components and elements of a successful NIC. An introductory 30-minute webinar will feature one or two experts from out team providing key background information about the focal challenges of building a NIC. A facilitated discussion forum will continue for two weeks after the video is posted to this site. At the end of the two weeks, another live webinar with the same expert will be featured. This follow-up webinar will focus on the topics that have arisen through the online forum, as well as questions that are asked live during the webinar.
Penuel, W. R., Fishman, B. J., Cheng, B. H. , & Sabelli, N. (2011). Organizing Research and Development at the Intersection of Learning, Implementation, and Design. Educational Researcher, 40(7), 331–337. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X11421826
Lewis, C. (2015). What Is Improvement Science? Do We Need It in Education? Educational Researcher, 44(1), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X15570388
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Welch, B. (2015). Ethical and Professional Norms in Community-Based Research. Harvard Educational Review, 85(1), 29–49. https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.85.1.a34748522021115m
Ghiso, M. P., Campano, G., Schwab, E. R., Asaah, D., & Rusoja, A. (2019). Mentoring in Research-Practice Partnerships: Toward Democratizing Expertise. AERA Open, 5(4), 2332858419879448. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419879448
Bryk, A. S. (2015). 2014 AERA Distinguished Lecture: Accelerating How We Learn to Improve. Educational Researcher, 44(9), 467–477. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X15621543
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Welch, B. J. (2016). Partnering with Immigrant Communities: Action Through Literacy. Teachers College Press. https://www.tcpress.com/partnering-with-immigrant-communities-9780807757215
Park, S., Carver, P., Nordstrum, L., & Hironaka, S. (2013). Continuous Improvement in Education (p. 48) [White Paper]. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Solórzano, D. G., & Yosso, T. J. (2002). Critical Race Methodology: Counter-Storytelling as an Analytical Framework for Education Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 8(1), 23–44. https://doi.org/10.1177/107780040200800103
Valdes, G. (1996). Con Respeto: Bridging the Distances Between Culturally Diverse Families and Schools: An Ethnographic Portrait. Teachers College Press.
Strand, K. J., Cutforth, N., Stoecker, R., Marullo, S., & Donohue, P. (2003). Community-Based Research and Higher Education: Principles and Practices. Wiley.
Gonzalez, N., Moll, L. C., & Amanti, C. (Eds.). (2005). Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781410613462
Rusoja, A. (2017). We Are Our Own Best Advocates: Latinx Immigrants Teaching And Learning For Their Rights [Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania]. https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/2559
Blackburn, M. V., Clark, C. T., Kenney, L. M., & Smith, J. M. (2009). Acting Out! Combating Homophobia Through Teacher Activism. Teachers College Press.
Brydon‐Miller, M., & Maguire, P. (2009). Participatory Action Research: Contributions to the Development of Practitioner Inquiry in Education. Educational Action Research, 17(1), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.1080/09650790802667469
Lytle, S. L. (2008). At Last: Practitioner Inquiry and the Practice of Teaching: Some Thoughts on “Better.” Research in the Teaching of English, 42(3), 373–379.
Andrews, N. C. Z., Pepler, D. J., & Motz, M. (2019). Research and Evaluation With Community-Based Projects: Approaches, Considerations, and Strategies. American Journal of Evaluation, 40(4), 548–561. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214019835821
Curwood, S. E., Munger, F., Mitchell, T., Mackeigan, M., & Farrar, A. (2011). Building Effective Community-University Partnerships: Are Universities Truly Ready? Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 17(2), 15–26.
Gadsden, V. L. (1993). Literacy, Education, and Identity among African-Americans: The Communal Nature of Learning. Urban Education, 27(4), 352–369. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085993027004003
Harkavy, I., & Hartley, M. (2009). University-School-Community Partnerships for Youth Development and Democratic Renewal. New Directions for Youth Development, 2009(122), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/yd.303
Schulz, A. J., Parker, E. A., Israel, B. A., Becker, A. B., Maciak, B. J., & Hollis, R. (1998). Conducting a Participatory Community-Based Survey for a Community Health Intervention on Detroit’s East Side. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 4(2), 10.
Vasudevan, L. (2006). Making Known Differently: Engaging Visual Modalities as Spaces to Author New Selves. E-Learning and Digital Media, 3(2), 207–216. https://doi.org/10.2304/elea.2006.3.2.207
Vasudevan, L. M. (2014). Multimodal Cosmopolitanism: Cultivating Belonging in Everyday Moments With Youth. Curriculum Inquiry, 44(1), 45–67. https://doi.org/10.1111/curi.12040
Bowdon, M., & Carpenter, R. G. (2011). Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Models and Practices. IGI Global.
Conrad, D., & Sinner, A. (2015). Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
Etmanski, C., Hall, B. L., & Dawson, T. (2014). Learning and Teaching Community-Based Research: Linking Pedagogy to Practice. University of Toronto Press.
Alcoff, L. M. (2008). The Problem of Speaking for Others. In A. Y. Jackson & L. A. Mazzei (Eds.), Voice in Qualitative Inquiry: Challenging Conventional, Interpretive, and Critical Conceptions in Qualitative Research (pp. 117–135). Routledge.
Berberet, J. (2002). Nurturing an Ethos of Community Engagement. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2002(90), 91–100. https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.59
Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2009). Inquiry as Stance: Ways Forward. In Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation. Teachers College Press.
Gill, H., Purru, K., & Lin, G. (2012). In the Midst of Participatory Action Research Practices: Moving towards Decolonizing and Decolonial Praxis. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 3(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.357
Kidd, I. J., Medina, J., & Pohlhaus, Jr., G. (Eds.). (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315212043
Maguire, P. (2006). Uneven Ground: Feminisms and Action Research. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.), Handbook of Action Research: Concise Paperback Edition (pp. 60–70). SAGE.
Hall, B. L., Tandon, R., Lepore, W., & Singh, W. (2016). Knowledge and Engagement: Building Capacity for the Next Generation of Community Based Researchers. UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, University of Victoria, Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) .