Improvement Scholars Network
The Improvement Scholars Network is an effort initiated by the Carnegie Foundation to build shared identity and purpose among those advancing improvement research in education that is grounded deeply in problems, needs, and opportunities in practice contexts. Leaders in the development of this field include the Carnegie Foundation, the Design-Based Implementation Research community, the National Network of Education Research Practice Partnerships, the SERP Institute, the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools, and the National Implementation Research Network.
The aim of the Improvement Scholars Network is to advance improvement research in the academy, in practice communities, and in policy environments. As part of this effort, Carnegie has created multiple opportunities for leaders in the field to (1) engage in convenings in which they have framed organizing principles and strategies for the field and (2) collaborate in joint projects, publications, and conference presentations.
This work has culminated in a collaborative, field-wide push to produce an inaugural handbook on improvement-focused educational research; the constitution of a representative leadership board of the Improvement Scholars Network; and initial efforts by this leadership board to advance the Improvement Scholars Network as a collegially led, self-sustaining organization.
Entity type
Improvement Scholars Network. (n. d.). Retrieved May 1, 2022 from https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/our-work/networked-improvement/improvement-scholars-network/
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