National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (NCSU)
What are the components of effective high schools? What types of programs, practices, and processes support these components? How can districts scale up these components to less effective high schools?
These are the questions around which the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (NCSU) is working. Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences and the U.S. Department of Education, NCSU focuses on developing a new approach to scaling and sustaining effective high school practices. Our approach has three main principles:
1. Develop an innovation that is built on core elements of effective practices identified in the district where the improvement work is occurring.
2. Use a strategy of continuous improvement to facilitate effective implementation.
3. Establish a research-practice partnership where practices are co-developed by district and school design teams that include teachers, administrators, school support personnel, and researchers.
Entity type
Research Project/Team
IRE Approach/Concept
Continuous Improvement
Research Practice Partnership (RPP)
Scale Up
National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (NCSU). (n. d.). Retrieved May 1, 2022 from https://my.vanderbilt.edu/scalingupcenter/
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