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When Improvement Science Meets Campus Improvement Planning: Principals’ Reflections on a North Texas School District’s Campus Improvement Design


When Improvement Science Meets Campus Improvement Planning: Principals’ Reflections on a North Texas School District’s Campus Improvement Design
Campus improvement has been associated with isolated processes completed by leadership in an effort to meet the demands of both district priorities and reform efforts. Often the product of isolated leader design of campus improvement planning is a document full of objectives and strategies that are created at the beginning of the school year and shelfed until the end of the year when principals are asked to reflect on their campus improvement. Campus planning has often led to a lack of focus and improvement for principals and their campuses. To explore one district’s approach to campus improvement, a qualitative study comprised of semi-structured interviews of six campus principal’s ranging from elementary to high school public schools in one North Texas school district was conducted to explore the phenomenon occurring with campus improvement. Each of the participants have utilized a conceptual framework based on improvement science principles. The campus principal’s also have experience using other models for improvement in previous years working for the district. Each participant was interviewed using a digital platform called TEAMS. Participants were asked twelve interview questions and were transcribed. In vivo coding was used to collect principal reflections on the current continuous improvement design being implemented. The results showed that these leaders have all experienced success in the 5-year implementation of the continuous improvement model and have shared their insights into which steps in the process have been most useful. The themes that derived from the study consisted of alignment of process to practice, impacts on school leaders, impacts on classroom teachers, greatest impact on school improvement, limitations of previous continuous improvement models, and advantages of the current continuous improvement model. These findings may be useful to districts and campus principals as they implement continuous improvement and campus improvement planning.
Reyes, Juanita M.
Leach, Lesley F.
Ross, Sharon D.
Resource status/form
Open access/full-text available
en No
Peer reviewed
en No
Brown, M. A. (2022). When Improvement Science Meets Campus Improvement Planning: Principals’ Reflections on a North Texas School District’s Campus Improvement Design [D.Ed., Tarleton State University].
United States -- Texas
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.



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