Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning (DAIRL)
Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning (DAIRL), developed in partnership with ICPSR at the University of Michigan, provides a public infrastructure for researchers to access and share data and written works in order to advance practically relevant knowledge about student learning.
Given the complexity of studying student experience, DAIRL was designed to support scholars in applying an interdisciplinary and multimethod lens to research. This lens can better equip researchers to answer questions arising from education practice and policy and generate new insights about the structures, contexts, and psychological processes that shape students’ learning and learning environments. The archive contains a curated collection of searchable datasets to facilitate scholarly activities, such as conducting novel secondary research that can inform practice and policy, replicating existing findings, pilot testing ideas in support of a funding application, and teaching courses.
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Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2022, from https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/DAIRL/index.html
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