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Practitioner Inquiry 1: The Science of Improvement (EDUC 3001) [Summer 2021]


Practitioner Inquiry 1: The Science of Improvement (EDUC 3001) [Summer 2021]
Alternate name
Foundations 1: Becoming a Scholarly Practitioner (EDUC 3002) [Summer 2021]
Foundations 1 and Practitioner 1 represent an integrated 6-credit experience that is designed to help you begin your doctoral adventure. The courses provide an understanding of becoming a Scholarly Practitioner and the tools to identify, frame, and consider ways to thoughtfully engage in systematic inquiry focused on important Problems of Practice in education. Practitioner Inquiry focuses on Improvement Science, our signature method in the EdD. At the center of practitioner inquiry is the ability to use data to understand the effects of innovations that seek to improve problems found in practice. It is the process of posing significant questions, using various research, theories, and professional wisdom, and designing innovative solutions to address complex problems of practice.
[Extracted from Course Website]
Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy (EFOP)
Health and Human Development (HHD)
Teaching, Learning, and Leading (TLL)
Pedagogical resource type
Education Studies
Intended audience level/student group
en Graduate
IRE Approach/Concept
Improvement Science
Practitioner Research/Inquiry
Problem of Practice
Open access
en Yes
Avika, T., Kokka, K., Osai, E., & Ross, S. E. (2021). Practitioner Inquiry 1: The Science of Improvement.

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