Development As Breaking Away and Opening Up: A Challenge to Vygotsky and Piaget
- Title
- Development As Breaking Away and Opening Up: A Challenge to Vygotsky and Piaget
- Author/creator
- Engeström, Yrjö
- Date
- 1996
- In publication
- Swiss Journal of Psychology
- Volume
- 55
- Pages
- 126-132
- Resource type
- en Background/Context
- Medium
- en Print
- Background/context type
- en Conceptual
- Open access/free-text available
- en Yes
- Peer reviewed
- en Yes
- 1421-0185
- Citation
- Engestrom, Y. (1996). Development As Breaking Away and Opening Up: A Challenge to Vygotsky and Piaget. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 55, 126–132.
- Cited in
- The Work of Improvement
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