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Submit a Resource to the Commons


Complete the form below to share a resource to the commons. We need your help to ensure both that this resource is appropriate to share and that we describe this resource appropriately.

Please complete the sections below, which will aid us in reviewing and publicizing the resource:

  • Step 1: About You
  • Step 2: Share Resource
  • Step 3: Describe Resource

Step 1: About You

Tell us about you and about your relationship to the resource you're sharing. 

If you would like this resource to be linked to a member profile but you have not yet created one, you can click here to do so. 

Step 2: Share Resource

Tell us how to find and link to this resource by providing at least one of the following: a URL, a DOI, or a reference for the resource.

Step 3: Describe Resource

Answer the questions below to help us describe/tag the resource. You may skip any questions you prefer not to answer. 

Remember: If you think of anything you'd like to add to the page for this resource, or if you find any errors you'd like us to correct, you can do so at any point by completing the form at this link.