Communicating Effectively in an Improvement Network
The beating heart of any collective improvement network is timely, useful, effective communication, as collective improvement networks rely on coordinated yet autonomous activity of multiple actors and institutions towards a common goal. Building on our extensive experience in running a major resource network (connected over 500 independently funded projects and PIs) and an improvement community, we will describe the communication needs and choices a networked improvement community must consider. We will describe the value of devising an overall communication approach that integrates multiple media (e.g. synchronous conference calls, email and messaging, shared document repository and shared editing capability, face-to-face convenings), engages actors in each site and initiative in sharing information actively, and develops a set of group norms as well as communication routines and practices to create fast, frequent, flexible, and full communication across the community.
February 28, 2017
IRE Approach/Concept
Networked Improvement Community (NIC)
Continuous Improvement
School Improvement Networks/Networks for School Improvement (NSI)
Grant number
National Science Foundation Grant #1650508
Roschelle, J., & Thorn, C. (2017). Communicating Effectively in an Improvement Network [Webinar]. https://includescenter.org/webinars/communicating-effectively-in-an-improvement-network/
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