SAIC Principals Discuss the Benefits of Improvement Science and the Power of Networks
Nancy Carnevale and Michele Savage are principals of Delaware middle schools that participate in Carnegie’s Student Agency Improvement Community (SAIC) network. SAIC brings together researchers and practitioners to build the interventions, tools, measures, and practices necessary to develop students’ academic mindsets and learning strategies.
In this interview, Nancy and Michele discuss the benefits of working in the SAIC network. They note the value in collaborating with other network members and using improvement science to identify and test effective strategies that can be spread with confidence.
November 15, 2015
IRE Approach/Concept
Improvement Science
Carnevale, N. L., & Savage, M. (2015, November 16). SAIC Principals Discuss the Benefits of Improvement Science and the Power of Networks. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/our-work/case-studies/saic-principals-discuss-the-benefits-of-improvement-science-and-the-power-of-networks/
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