Promoting Equitable and Just Learning Across Settings: Organizational Forms for Educational Change
This chapter focuses on organizational theories that can support organization of more equitable learning across settings. It presents the idea that we can learn from alternate models of organization as cultural tools for promoting change within educational organizations and for linking organizations in ways that advance more just futures in communities. Models of organization are templates for organizing relationships that are culturally associated with particular types of organizations to support collective action. This chapter presents six different forms of existing organization that have been appropriated for purposes of promoting equity and socio-ecological justice in schools and communities: internships, afterschool programs, parent-teacher groups, student organizations, leadership development programs, and research-practice partnerships. The chapter concludes by reviewing three approaches to organizing research and development activities in the learning sciences to support and study appropriation of these models of organization for educational change.
In publication
Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning
Penuel, W. R. (2020). Promoting Equitable and Just Learning Across Settings: Organizational Forms for Educational Change. In Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning. Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780203774977-24
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