Continuous Improvement Research and Critical Theoretical Perspectives: Bridging Two Conversations With a Common Goal?
This symposium brings together the Continuous Improvement and Critical Theory communities in a shared intellectual space looking toward cross-fertilization and common ground. At the center of the symposium are two interventions. The first design emerges from Critical Theory, and the other arises from Continuous Improvement. The interventions will spark dialogue that bridges a common language across the Critical Race Theory and Continuous Improvement communities. Both communities are concerned with understanding and changing systems that lead to educational mistreatment and oppression of those who live with diminished opportunity. However, each community differs in how they talk about and how they engage in intervention and improvement. The symposium will be an opportunity to cultivate common ground through conversation and critique.
April 25, 2022
At conference
AERA Annual Meeting
Gomez, Louis M.
Payne, Charles
Russell, Jennifer Lin
IRE Approach/Concept
Continuous Improvement
Critical Theory
Critical Race Theory
Continuous Improvement Research and Critical Theoretical Perspectives: Bridging Two Conversations With a Common Goal? (2022). AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego. https://tinyurl.com/ybfy9kc2
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